Ana V. Villar Ramos, investigadora del IBBTEC, premiada por su liderazgo desde los valores en un proyecto científico


Ana V. Villar Ramos, investigadora del IBBTEC, premiada por su liderazgo desde los valores en un proyecto científico


La Fundación Figeva otorga esta distinción por primera vez en el ámbito científico y dona 3.000 euros al grupo de investigación que lidera Ana V. Villar Ramos en el IBBTEC 

-March 2022:

-Congratulations Dr. David Maestro. He defended his PhD on february 25 obtaining Sobresaliente cum laude and the "mención para premio extraordinario·". Good news for our group. He will be with us as postdoc scientist.

-Public acknowledgement and economical award

-1st of march Helena Soto will start as PhD student in our scientific group FIBROHEART

-February 2022:

-we are an active partner of the scientific network:  
- 7 february: Invited talk to the scientific activity hold by conexion nanomedicina CSIC.

-Ana V Villar has been appointed new director of the IUMP summer school 2022 in nanoscience.

-One of our PhD fellows defends his thesis. Congratulations David great work. You are a Doctor

-New project sent to Syncrotron DESY. Fingers crossed.

-Donation from the company TARAZAGA to our scientific group is signed. Thank you for the great generosity to TARAZAGA Director.

-January 2022:
-We start the new year with a new publication already published in PubMed: Epigenetic alterations of TGFβ and its main canonical signaling mediators in the context of cardiac fibrosis. Algeciras L, Palanca A, Maestro D, RuizdelRio J, Villar AV. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2021 Oct;159:38-47. doi: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2021.06.003.

-November 2021:

- New published paper in november 2021 paper DOI to read it: paper doi: doi:10.1039/d0sc05215a  Chemical Science, 2021, 12, 2480 - 2487. supplementary data:

- Syncrhotron ALBA has published in their website our publication of this month:


 - We are a member of Red Conexión “Nanomedicina-CSIC” creada en Octubre 2021.

-We have offer a JAE intro contract within the Red Conexión “Nanomedicina-CSIC” 

 -July 2021:

-Congratulations to our PhD+TFM+TFG students Jorge RuizdelRio+Danielle Novillo+Elena Lecue and David Maestro. Accepted two oral presentations in colaboration with CIC-BiomaGUNE (Jorge) and one poster presentation in colaboration with CIC-BiomaGUNE and Göttingen University (David) submitted to the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) and the Spanish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM). Titles: Study of the characterization and therapeutic effect of fluorescent anti-fibrotic extracellular vesicles. Genetically engineered extracellular vesicles as fluorescent nanocarriers encapsulating a novel theragnostic nanotherapy targeting fibroblasts. Study of myocardial fibrosis in a 3D human organoid with fluorescent nano-therapy

-Presentation of the interuniversity TFG Barcelona-Santander (Elena Lecue) in our group with an excellent grade (9). Congratulations Elena.

-Presentation of the TFM University of Cantabria (Danielle Novillo Quirola) in our group with an excellent grade (10). Congratulations Dani.

-Presentation of the TFM University of Cantabria (Annie Chambers) in our group with an excellent grade (8.9). Congratulations Annie.

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