
-March 2024:

Ana V Villar talk at ValldHebron Barcelona
(8th March 2024)

-February 2024

FIBROHEART  goes to NALS congress (Granada 14-16 February 2024

-December 2022

Ana V Villar director of a symposium accepted at the 45th SEBBM congress (Zaragoza 5-8 September 2023)

-October 2022:
Simposio proposal sent to SEBBM 2023 at Zaragoza to promote talks about Nanomedicine. Fingers crossed

-July 2022:

-Invited talk at Foro Conexión Nanomedicina-CIBER-BBN/NANBIOSIS los días 30 de junio y 1 de julio en el IQAC – Institut de Química Avançada de Catalunya – CSIC de Barcelona.
-March 2022:
-Selected one of our PhD students. He will be awarded a scholarship and will give a talk at the NanoSpain Congress Madrid 17-22 May 2022. Congratulations Jorge RuizdelRio.

-Invitation to give a talk at the Summer Courses in Laredo on August 3 (Cantabria Spain) for Ana V Villar. Accepted.

February 2022:
- Ana V Villar has been appointed new director of the IUMP summer school 2022 in nanoscience.

-NALS Santander: Three PhD students registered for this event. They will present their results in the nanomaterials congress in abril 2022. 
year 2021:
-July 2021:
-Congratulations to our PhD+TFM+TFG students Jorge RuizdelRio+Danielle Novillo+Elena Lecue and David Maestro. Accepted two oral presentations in colaboration with CIC-BiomaGUNE (Jorge) and one poster presentation in colaboration with CIC-BiomaGUNE and Göttingen University (David) submitted to the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) and the Spanish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM). Titles: Study of the characterization and therapeutic effect of fluorescent anti-fibrotic extracellular vesicles. Genetically engineered extracellular vesicles as fluorescent nanocarriers encapsulating a novel theragnostic nanotherapy targeting fibroblasts. Study of myocardial fibrosis in a 3D human organoid with fluorescent nano-therapy.

year 2020:

-ISEV virtual congress
-Hsp90 virtual congress
-FCVB posponed congress to 2021
upcoming congresses the group is attending: 
May 2020:  invited to 

1.- Progenitor Cell Translational Consortium (PCTC) Cardiovascular Bioengineering (CVBE) Workshop - joint DZHK and NIH Symposium

When: 7-9 May 2020 Where: Göttingen
2.- Participation in

Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine 2020

NOvermber 2019, 
New parricipation sent to participate in the FCVB 
Thursday 23 - Sunday 26 April 2020
Budapest - Hungary

Group participation in congresses

Year 2019:

3 Posters presented to the  SEBBM congress (Madrid, July 2019)

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