-May 2024:
A PREDOCTORAL student with the UC grant joined the group, Welcome Luisa Gutiérrez.
Another predoctoral student will start in June with the AECC grant. Welcome Enrique García.
-March 2024:
A PREDOCTORAL CONTRACT ASSOCIATED WITH A PROJECT IN THE AREA OF BIOMEDICINE is offered to develop a research project related to the treatment of human heart models with biological therapies based on extracellular vesicles. You can join FIBROHEART to become a doctor studying the action of protein nanotherapies encapsulated in extracellular vesicles in anti- and profibrotic human heart organoids. Write to villarav@unican.es with your CV and your grade title and mean note.
-December 2023:
-Luisa Gutierrez Esteve, a master's student, is seeking the "Concepción Arenal" predoctoral grant in Biomedicine with our team. We extend our best wishes and look forward to welcoming you to the group in the coming months.
-November 2023:
-Today 22 of november 2023, interview with media to talk about our last published paper.Fibroblast-derived extracellular vesicles as trackable efficient transporters of an experimental nanodrug with fibrotic heart and lung targeting.
Published in Theranostics 2024, Vol. 14, Issue 1 Ahead of print.
-A new predoctoral position is now available in our research group. Join FIBROHEART for the opportunity to pursue your Ph.D. in the field of myocardial fibrosis. This exciting research involves the utilization of biotechnological nanodrugs in conjunction with the study of CRISPR/CAS deletion of a target gene in human cardiac organoids. Our aim is to identify the domain responsible for the suppression of detrimental fibrosis. If you are passionate about cutting-edge research in this field, we encourage you to apply and be a part of our innovative team.
If you are interested in joining our team, kindly send an email to villarav@unican.es.
-August 2023:
Hiring. New position in the group. One of our predoct student is aboout to finish, so we are now hiring a new predoct.
Thesis. the linkedin published offer is:
Se ofrece un CONTRATO-predoctoral
que cubre todo el periodo de la realización de la tesis doctoral en
Biomedicina en el Instituto de Biomedicina y Biotecnología de
Cantabria-UC. La Tesis Doctoral se centra en el estudio de la reducción
de la fibrosis cardíaca mediante la aplicación de herramientas biotecnológicas
teragnósticas de última generación (nano transportadores y moléculas
terapéuticas fluorescentes), mediante la aplicación de CRISPR/CAS en organoides
La tesis se
realizará en el grupo de investigación de la Dra Ana V. Villar en el Instituto
de Biomedicina y Biotecnología de Cantabria. P ara
más información visitar el blog del grupo (http://villarav.blogspot.com.es),
las webs institucionales institucionales (https://web.unican.es/ibbtec/es-es/sobre-el-ibbtec/equipo/directorio/detalle-miembro?d=AnaVVillarLab)
https://web.unican.es/portal-investigador/personal-investigador/detalle-investigador?i=872B21A477B1E66C y las
redes sociales https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbHijFhTtHnB7-YeRHUNVrA
Los interesadas/os, enviar CV, copia del expediente académico, y una carta de
motivación, a Ana V Villar, villarav@unican.es
antes del 20 de septiembre 2023.
- Se requiere tener un expediente académico de Grado superior a 8,5 en la escala de
1 a 10 y haber finalizador el máster.
- Se requiere haber acabado el grado en 2020 o posterior.
- Se requiere NO haber tenido un contrato predoctoral de duración superior a 1 año.
Se valorará
la experiencia previa en laboratorio, el dominio del inglés, las estancias en
el extranjero. La entrevista personal on line que se realizará con los
candidatos preseleccionados.
-July 2023:
- New paper published by our group in collaboration with Maria Blasco´s group:
Short telomeres in alveolar type II cells associate with lung fibrosis in post COVID-19 patients with cancer.
-We are part of the new spanish REDFIBRO a network of different scientific groups that study fibrosis in Spain. AEI approved our NET. Congratulations for the obtention of RED DE INVESTIGACION INTEGRADA EN FIBROSIS ORGANICARED (RED2022-134485-T). Call “REDES DE INVESTIGACIÓN” AEI
-Abstract accepted for the SEBBM congress in Zaragoza 5-8 september, where We organize a Simposium about nanomedicine
-June 2023:
Great Escuela de Verano UIMP in Nanomedicine. As director of this course I would like to thank all students for their great work and interaction with us.
-March 2023:
-We have been approved as members of the COST Action Sudden cardiac arrest prediction and resuscitation network: Improving the quality of care (PARQ)
-January 2023: